"Delicate," reflects on the transformative approach to social change proposed in "Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds" by andrienne maree brown. The work, deeply inspired by the book, brings to life its principles in a tactile form, drawing parallels between the rich theoretical groundwork and the physical expression of the ideas through various artistic mediums. Built upon an intricate interplay of generative digital videos, paint, paper, wood, and felt, "Delicate" personifies the harmonious coexistence of diverse elements. By blending ancient and modern materials, the work embraces the principle of adaptability. The use of felt, one of the oldest known textiles, alongside the cutting-edge digital representations, reflects the resilience of nature in its perpetual dance with time.

 The installation takes shape as a network of hanging mixed sculptures, representing the infinite perfection of fractal patterns found in nature. These fractal patterns represent the emergence of complex, sophisticated structures from simple beginnings - a phenomenon mirrored both in nature and social constructs. In this sense, the installation transcends physical aesthetics, evolving into a model advocating for unity and positive change amidst fragmentation and imbalance. The work's fractal phenomena is a direct commentary on hierarchical structures, often seen in societal systems. The replication and interconnectedness of materials and patterns in the installation symbolizes a shift towards non-hierarchical, inclusive systems. This manifests as a resilient structure that encourages self-organization and collective responsibility.